internationalSouth Arabia

Statement of the Southern Community in Sweden Concerning Meeting of Sweden

SMA News – Stockholm – Exclusive
To the southern people and to the people of Sweden: we lived on this good earth and learned from the culture of this free nation. We learned a lot from the modern world cultures based on honesty, transparency and respect to human rights, free expression, and racial and sexual diversity. Therefore, we think that it is our duty as part of a nations whose freedom and political will were stolen, to explain to the people of the Swedish people and the whole world, the truth about negotiations held on their lands.
World and regional powers who don’t see any thing but strategic interests in the bloods of the southern people sought to make these negotiations succeed although both parties of negotiations don’t represent the political will nor the expectations of the southern people in these negotiations in restoring the southern state and Aden as its capital.
To all those we mentioned, do you know that the powerful party in these negotiations is Al-Houthis who established their beliefs upon extremist and raciest ideology on the background of their claimed religious lineage? They based their theory about society upon racial discrimination taking “God is Great… Down with America … Death to Jews … Glory to Islam”. On this basis, thousand of children were recruited and implanted as timed bombes in the south and north as well. What do we expect more extremism and hostility against the world after supporting them?
The other party represents a gang used by interest seekers under the notion of legitimacy. It doesn’t represent north nor south. It only represents the remains of the dictatorship of Ali Saleh with all its oppression, corruption and abuse of public funds. The evidence is clear in this huge bank accounts all over the world.
Therefore, members of the southern community in Sweden declare their opposition and resentment of these negotiations and all its outcomes. As stated in the Southern Transitional Council’s statement from Aden, southern people didn’t create this war, but war was imposed on us and we became a major party to the degree that this war can never be ended without us. UN Envoy missed the right path to the solution under pressures of the legitimacy and Al-Houthis. Therefore, Mr. Martin Griffith is assumed fully responsible for the outcomes of the upcoming stage.
We are not committed to the outcomes or agreements resulting from negotiations or consultations that we are not part of, even if agreed upon by parties who don’t exist on the ground. Those parties don’t represent the expectations of the southern people and no outcomes will be enforced accordingly.
On behalf of all southern community in Sweden and EU, we greet our southern people who are stations in battlefields.
Mercy to Martyrs, Quick Healing to the Injured and Glory to Our Southern People
South Arab Community in Sweden

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