South Arabia

Health doctors praise work of Supreme Health Committee for Self-Administration in the capital #Aden

[su_label type=”info”]SMA NEWS / Aden / Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]

Many doctors and workers in health and medical sectors delivered a speech of appreciation and gratitude to those who exerted sincere deeds to the Southern reality:


The text of the message of doctors and health workers in the capital Aden came as follows.


We doctors, nurses, and service workers in the health and education field pay tribute to the work of the Supreme Health Committee of the Self-Administration of the South, which is a committee whose work is tangible to reality and for the southern citizens, and which continues with successive successes, all the pride, appreciation and gratitude of the southern citizens in general, the doctors, the nurses and the southern patients in particular for that young fruitful leadership by the constant and continuous giving, effort, work and constant struggle for the citizens and the southern homeland.


You promised and have kept your promise, you are the steadfast and determined to improve the health sector, and you are always the callers for the unity of the South, and you have proved it by words and deeds.

May Allah help you and guide your steps.


Issued by the southern medical associations, unions and coordinators.


Aden, 16 July 2020

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