South Arabia

South Arabia League party denies linking “Al-Jefri” to letter addressed to Griffiths

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News / Aden / Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]

The South Arabia League denied linking its president to a letter to delivered to Griffiths, the UN Secretary-General’s envoy to Yemen.

An official source in the Free South Arab League (the League) said that what is being circulated about a fake message is said to have been addressed to the UN Secretary-General’s envoy to Yemen from some well-known southern names, including the head of the Free South Arab League (Association), Professor Abdul Rahman Ali bin Muhammad al-Jefri is a sheer lie – outlined and detailed – and none of this has happened .. He has not had any meeting with those whose names have been listed, or even communicated in any way about anything like this.

The source affirmed that the party’s position is clear and declared with the cause of South Arabia, its independence and building its new federal state.

He added: The League has neither in the past nor in the present any conflicts or sensitivities towards any southern region or southern class …

He continued: it’s enough what South Arabia suffered of conflicts that destroyed it and brought it to what it has reached, and it is enough imprisoning its national issues in the darkness of these conflicts, which do not exist with the people of the South Arabia and have nothing to do with the homeland, its people and its issues …

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